Talking volatility: arm yourself with data from FundVisualizer

Talking volatility: arm yourself with data from FundVisualizer

As day-to-day realities of life with coronavirus take root, concerns about the financial implications of the pandemic are top of mind for Americans. A volatile market is just one of many issues that may be driving client questions for you:

  • “Am I invested in companies and industries that are taking the hardest hit?”
  • “Are my investments more exposed to volatility than others?”
  • “How are my investments doing compared with the market overall?”
  • “Should I be looking at changing my allocations?”

In a time when emotions are running high and market conditions can change quickly and dramatically, facts and information about volatility are essential for helping clients focus on long-term goals.

FundVisualizer can be a valuable source of information to help. FundVisualizer enables you to easily evaluate more than 30,000 funds, ETFs, and indexes, using over 80 performance and risk metrics. It includes several features that specifically help address questions about volatility.

Use FundVisualizer comparison tools to chart volatility data

Begin by clicking “Compare” and search by fund name or ticker. Choose one fund or add an entire list, then click “Create” to see options for charts available to view. You can also import a client’s portfolio.

Here are the best charts available with FundVisualizer to gain information about volatility:

Table chart

Choose table chart to easily compare funds side by side across almost 80 performance and risk metrics. Scroll down to see data on any of the risk metrics including alpha, beta, standard deviation, and Sharpe ratio.

Bar and line charts

Using the drop-down menu at the top of the screen, change the Y axis to any one of the risk metrics.


This chart provides a view of your funds in three dimensions: X, Y, and Z axes, with Z being the dot size. You can change what any of these axes represent.

Asset allocation

Use the asset allocation chart to quickly view how assets are allocated across U.S. and non-U.S. equities and bonds, cash, and other investments.

For details on using FundVisualizer, see our video tutorials and other resources.