Get better search results from your LinkedIn Profile

Get better search results from your LinkedIn Profile

You want to ensure that potential clients and connections can easily find you on LinkedIn. Two important tactics you can use are optimizing your LinkedIn Profile and writing a great LinkedIn Summary.

To take your search optimization a step further, consider these ideas:

Incorporate keywords throughout your LinkedIn profile

Keywords are recognized by LinkedIn’s internal search algorithm, as well as by Google and other search engines. Start by brainstorming keywords that describe you and the services you offer:



Then, narrow down the list, avoiding repeat terms (“financial,” “planning”), and focusing on your top five keywords. Based on the list above, and with some editing, you could choose:


Thoughtfully incorporate these terms into select fields in your LinkedIn profile. Some examples:

Headline: Financial Advisor with 20 years of experience

Summary: I focus on helping clients with a full spectrum of solutions, ranging from retirement planning to crafting estate plans incorporating tax-efficient strategies

Skills: Add your top keywords to your skills list

Emphasize your location

Indicate your location in the “Location” field, but also incorporate it several times in your employment history and summary.

Summary: I work with clients in the Austin, Texas area and throughout the Hill Country.

Appeal to your niche
If your practice focuses on a niche client, emphasize your area of specialization in the fields in your profile. For example, if your core clientele are women:

Headline: Financial Advisor with 20 years of experience advising women on life’s important decisions

Summary: I work with single and divorced women, advising them on important financial decisions that are unique to their situation.

Skills: Women and investing, estate planning for women